A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
The next Virtual Evangelization Workshop will be held on February 22nd in Bloomington in the Church basement 11 AM –2 PM. Lunch will be provided.
The Virtual Street Evangelization Workshop is a hands-on evangelization training event. This workshop teaches Catholics, no matter their previous education or experience, how to share their faith
effectively and enthusiastically with the people they encounter. During this workshop, you will hear presentations by experienced evangelists that teach and model the SPSE method of direct evangelization. After each lesson participants will get a chance to practice and sharpen their skills in small group breakout sessions. The workshop equips participants with the skills and
confidence they need to start evangelizing. If you have questions or want to register please contact Leigh at [email protected].
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!
A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
Join us for a Benefit for Leigh Boorn who lost her daughter in a car accident. The proceeds from the benefit will go toward burial expenses for her daughter.
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!
Congratulations to Fr. Sudhakar on the 25th Anniversary of his ordination. We are grateful for his vocation and his loving care of our families through the sacraments. Mary God continue to bless and watch over him.
A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!
A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
Everyone is invited to attend St. Mary's Fish Fry and enjoy the delicious baked or deep fried cod, baked potato, coleslaw, roll and handmade bars. The cost is $15.00 for adults and $8.00 for kids ages 5-8. There will also be an all CASH raffle and a Sporting Raffle that evening.
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!
A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!
A Support Group for the Bereaved
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand the thoughts, feelings and the pain you are experiencing. This can lead to isolation, feelings of depression and extreme sadness
and sorrow. All of these are normal. Yet, there is support through GriefShare.
GriefShare is a 13 session support group for those who have experienced the loss of a
loved one. A GriefShare session includes an informative video, discussion and sharing. It
is said that “grief shared is grief diminished.” Our next GriefShare support group will begin
on February 20, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We will meet in the St. Clement Parish office
meeting room. Pre-registration is encouraged by going to: griefshare.org.
There you can also find other GriefShare groups in the area (Platteville has one) if our
time/dates do not work for you. Contact Bill Manthe (723-4990) or Marcia Hampton (732-
8849) for more information or if you have questions.
Join Stephen Ray as he catches fish in the Sea of Galilee, camps along the Jordan, and explores the places Jesus lived and performed his miracles. Follow the incredible journey through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary and the tomb, to the Resurrection and Pentecost.
Time: Sunday Nights Presentation Starts at 7:15 PM
Place: St. Clement Dining Hall
Dates: February 23. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. April 6, 13.
Contact: Mike Tennessen 563-599-5381, [email protected]
Doors open at 7 PM. Drinks and snacks provided. Come one, come all-Men of all ages encouraged to attend! No need to register or RSVP, just show up!