Evangelization, We Need It! Bishop Hying sees the essential need for the Catholic Church to embrace evangelization, first for all of us who belong to the Catholic Church, then to reach out to others to hear the message of Christ. He has outlined four simple, but essential way for us to encounter Christ more fully and be transformed by his grace. All Catholics are encouraged to grow in holiness and deepen of their faith in the following ways:
Commit to spending at least 15 minutes per day in prayer, ideally praying often with Scripture.
Develop or strengthen a habit of going to confession regularly at least once per month.
Make asceticism (voluntary practices of self-denial) a regular part of their daily lives, beginning with at least the mandatory observance of Fridays as penitential fasting days throughout the year.
Prioritize Sunday as the Lord’s Day in their personal and professional lives especially by attending Mass.