I wanted to thank everyone for the prayers, Masses, and for all those who have reached out through phone calls, texts or emails. Also thank you for the cards, gifts of money, and for all the hugs after Mass. I am so blessed to have this new family in Saint Joseph the Worker Pastorate to support me as I grieve the death of my daughter Cassie. The love and support of so many is helping me to get through this difficult time. A special thank you to all those who covered events that I planned on helping with the weekend of her death and while I was home handling other details. The love and concern is overwhelming since my time here has been so short. Thank You All!!!
Leigh Boorn
Family Faith Formation & High School Program
For the last two years our west county parishes have carried out a Family Faith Formation program, where whole families come together once a month to learn about our Catholic Faith and prepare to carry out lessons at home. This year SS Andrew-Thomas will begin as well. We will have identical programs for
families from the River Ridge School District to meet on the first Wednesdays at St. Mary's School in Bloomington, and for families from St. Charles and SS Andrew-Thomas to meet at SS Andrew-Thomas School or St. Charles School on alternating second Wednesdays of the month, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Families are welcome to enroll in either program at their preference as well as to attend sessions at either site based on their convenience.
We will also begin a High School Youth program for 9th-12th grades to meet on the 4th Wednesdays at St. Clement in Lancaster from 7:00 to 8:30pm starting September 25, a requirement for 9th graders preparing for Confirmation - though for families who may have difficulties arranging transportation, 9th graders may attend their local Family Faith Formation meeting on 1st or 2nd Wednesday. Our first Family Faith Formations meetings in September will be Orientation where we describe the program in
detail. Schedules can be found on our Website. For further questions please contact Fr. Mark Miller.
St. Clement Parish Directories
The long-awaited Parish Directories should
be arriving any day! It is our understanding that
they will be mailed directly to those who had
their photos taken. So watch for them in your