On Friday, November 1, we will be having our monthly First Friday Exposition and Adoration of our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration begins following the 8:15 morning Mass and continues through the day and night, concluding with Benediction at 9 AM on Saturday. Spend an
hour with our Lord in quiet and prayer by signing up on the form by the Fatima Chapel.
As one man told St. John Vianney, when asked about what he did during Adoration, “I
look at Him [Jesus] and He looks at me.” Those in love gaze at one another, and
spend time talking, listening and being together. Spend time with the One who loves
you infinitely and intimately by being with Him in Adoration.
A month ago I was concerned about the status of our parish directories, as they should have arrived. I called the company and what I was told didn't seem right. So I called again the next day to clarify what was the delay. It seems that two things happened. First, when the directory was received by them after proofing, it was forgotten due to a clerical error. Second, after they realized their error, staff/worker shortages at the company prevented them from printing the directories. Due to my call, they emailed me another proof to look over. I have proofed it again and I have sent it back to the company for printing. How quickly this will happen is dependent upon their worker status. Be sure that I will be following up
with them until the directories arrive. Patience is a virtue, right? Thank you for this!
The St. Clement Adult Faith Formation continues this week on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 9
AM. We will be viewing Part 2 of Bishop Robert Barron’s Pivotal Players episode on G. K. Chesterton. Gilbert Keith Chesterton became a Catholic late in life and is often referred to as, “The Apostle of Common Sense.” Join us as we learn more about the life and wisdom of this remarkable man. All are welcome!
St. Andrew & St. Thomas have Mass intention openings in the coming weeks and months. Have a Mass offered for your living and/or deceased loved ones, in thanksgiving or for your special intentions.
Contact Katherine at [email protected] or 723-4990.
The Council gave $100 to each of the Fall Festivals. It was discussed whether to merge the council or to have the paying members process the Form 100 and mark on the form if they want to transfer to Council 2820 Lancaster. The transfer process is the most efficient way to combine Council 4416 with Council 2820. The members from Council 2820 feel strongly that the transfer process is the best way to move forward.
The next Council 4416 meeting will be Tuesday, September 17th at 7:30 P.M. in St. Mary’s Church basement in Bloomington.
A Moment with the Bishop:
Go Make Disciples, our diocesan-wide evangelization initiative, is who we are and what we do as baptized followers of Jesus Christ. It is our participation in the perennial mission of the Church. Into the Deep is our strategic planning effort to realign our resources so that we can better accomplish and live out this mission, both now and for generations to come.
As we continue on the path of coming together into new combined parishes, it is vital that we keep our eyes and hearts on our Go Make Disciples initiative and the six fundamental objectives guiding all our efforts as missionary disciples:
Grow Everyone’s Relationship with Jesus through prayer, sacrament, and study of Scripture.
Reclaim Sunday as Sabbath by making the Sunday Eucharist front and center and by rediscovering holy leisure with family and friends.
Evangelize by engaging others in the Faith and speaking about the reason for our hope in Jesus Christ.
Focus on Youth by connecting with young people and helping them become fully committed to Christ.
Call Forth New Leadership by inviting new people to step up and share their talents and gifts.
Reach Out to the Community by serving the needs of all and witnessing to the Love of Christ by deed and charity.
Jesus is our Master and Teacher, our Redeemer and Savior who has conquered the power of sin and death forever. Together, let us renew our commitment as both disciples and evangelizers by falling more deeply in love with Jesus and by going forth with confidence and joy to build the kingdom of God and to strengthen the Church here in our local diocese of Madison. Let's bring everyone we know home to Jesus Christ and His Church!