We are looking for a few good men/women who like to bake to help make desserts for
our Youth Nights in Lancaster. The next gathering would be January 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Please contact Leigh Boorn via email [email protected] if you can help.
Thank You in Advance!
Join us during this year of Hope as we explore the Letter to the Hebrews. We will be trying a new
location--Driftless Coffee Company on Amelia St. in Cassville. Sessions run from 9 AM -10 AM on
Tuesday after Mass.
Still considering a New Year’s resolution? Decide now to take part in one of Grant Co. Right to Life’s upcoming 2025 activities!
1. Pray for GCRTL’s efforts to bring a Safe Haven Baby Box to Grant County.
2. Help plan a movie night! Join a team to bring the full-length documentary, Unthinkable, by former PP clinic director, Abby Johnson, to a Grant Co. theater. (Or donate to offset costs.)
3. 2/4/25: Participate - from anywhere – in a 6 p.m. GCRTL Zoom meeting. Call for log-in info.
4. 3/1/25: Volunteer at a GCRTL table at a late a.m. Platteville Public Library Involvement Fair.
5. 4/5/25: Attend a free WI RTL Pregnancy Help Center conference in Wausau. By 3/21/25, register at https://www.classy.org/event/2025-pregnancy-help-center-spring-conference/e626057 .
6. Participate in a group to distribute small gifts to nursing home residents. Consider making a walker bag or lap blanket for residents. (GCRTL will provide materials.)
For more info., text or call Marge at 608.732.0850 or email [email protected] (NEW address!)
Are You Looking For A Rewarding Summer Job Working With Children? Little Chargers Daycare in Cassville (a part of St. Charles Church) is looking to hire enthusiastic young people to provide care and activities for youth ages 2 years old - 12 years old. If interested, contact Kari Kelley, 608-725-5595. This is a great opportunity for a summer job.
Thank you to everyone who generously gave donations for the flowers and decorations and to everyone who worked to make our church look beautiful during the Christmas season. We are deeply grateful for your support of our parish! God bless.
We invite you to find help through Retrouvaille, (ret-tro-vi), where husbands and wives are helped to re-discover each other. In Retrouvaille, couples discover they are not alone. There is hope and grace.
Madison’s upcoming Retrouvaille program is January 31 – February 2, 2025 at the Green Lake Conference Center. Follow up sessions will be in Madison. Call (920) 369-8836 or check our website at www.helpourmarriage.org Your confidentiality is always respected.
St Mary’s School has teamed up with Hamann’s Helping Hands again this holiday season to help gathering gifts for children that are spending the holidays in the hospital. We will be collecting gifts until December 20.
The start date is December 27 (start noon on Friday)- 29 (ends 3:30 on Sunday). TEC (Together Encountering Christ) is centered on the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Our Shepherd Bishop Donald Hying has also centered his 'Go Make Disciples' initiative on that same theme. TEC is especially designed to help us grow in our love for Christ and our Holy Catholic Church. It is an amazing experience for any age who are young at heart and at least 15 years of age. Regardless of your present walk in our Catholic Faith, you will be rejuvenated. This is also a 'shout out' to those of you who have already experienced a TEC retreat and would like to help out. Fr. Greg Ihm will be our Spiritual Director. Jeff Jackson is the lay Director and can be reached at 608.778.6027 Or [email protected]
More information about TEC can be found at www.MadisonDiocese.org/TEC
Please contact Leigh Boorn at 309-370-6036 or [email protected], if you would
be able to make a pan of bars or donate cookies for the Family Faith Formations, Religious Ed., or High School Faith Formations.
The council now has 180 Form 100s in our hands. The Form 100s were needed for the council to be able to start the Member Transfer Process. The member transfer will start immediately in hopes to be completed by January 1, 2025.
The council gave out $300 Charity Checks to two brother knights with health conditions. Council 4416 does not hold meetings during the holidays. The next council meeting will be on Jan. 21, 2025 in St. Charles’ School Computer Lab in Cassville at 7:30 p.m.
Operation Santa Claus in the River Ridge area is sponsored by the West Grant Lions Club to help those families and individuals in need to have a Merry Christmas. The club serves the Bagley, Bloomington, Glen Haven, Mt. Hope and Patch Grove areas.
The members of the West Grant Lions Club have already been checking the five communities and surrounding areas served by the club for people in need. This has been necessary to provide enough time for the proper ordering of food items and other needed items. If a new situation develops that the club should know about, please contact Lion Mike Farrell at 9143 Kussmaul Rd., Mt. Hope, WI 53816. His phone number is: 608-988-4527.
Money donations which are needed for the purchase of food items may be mailed to the West Grant Lions Club Treasurer, Paul Wegmann at 10998 Holly Rd. Bloomington, WI 53804. Be sure to make checks out to the West Grant Lions Club. The deadline for making money donations is Monday, Dec. 2.
If you have any nonperishable food items (especially canned goods) please bring them to one of the collection locations which will be announced at a later date. Also please mark the bags or boxes as being for the West Grant Lions Operation Santa Claus. Sometimes there are other organizations or classes who are gathering food items for a different project. The Lions Club cannot distribute home canned foods or home baked items or clothing.
Family Promise of Grant County would like to thank the garage sale committee from St. Charles for donation of some items that did not sell at their recent garage sale. These were taken to Stuff Etc. in Dubuque where we have a consignment account. Family Promise frequently receives offers of furniture, clothing, and other items that we cannot take due to limited storage space. This account can be used buy anyone wishing to donate items to Family Promise. We receive 50% of the proceeds from the sale!
More information on what they will accept can be found on their website: Shopstuffetc.com.
We will remember loved ones who have died this past year at the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, November 2 at St. Charles Church. If you would like to have your loved one remembered, please contact the St. Charles Parish office (608-725-5595) with the name of the person.
St. Charles School and Youth Group are selling Christmas wreaths, garland, and porch pots again this year. We also have crosses, candy canes, and swags. If you would like to purchase something, please contact Angela Adams, 608-794-2107 prior to November 4. Delivery will be the weekend of November 22. The fundraiser supports the youth group mission trip and other activities as well as school field trips, activities, and materials. Thank you for your support!
2024 St. Charles Fall Festival Total
Beer & Concessions: $2,535.00
Chicken Dinners: $11,315.00
Food Donations: $750.00
Games: $4,557.00
Large Raffle: $9,367.00
Farmers Market: $2,169.00
Silent Auction: $3,520.00
Small Raffle: $1,765.50
Bingo: $899.00
Total Income: $36,877.50
Expenses: $10,645.14
Profit: $26,232.36
October is traditionally devoted to the Holy Rosary! Legend has it that St. Dominic received the Rosary from Our Lady after he had been praying and doing penance for his lack of success in combatting the Albigensian heresy; in his vision, Mary gave Dominic the Rosary as a spiritual weapon and encouraged him to preach its use to others.
The Mysteries of the Rosary are rooted in Scripture and offer us a summary of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we pray the Rosary, we join Mary in the contemplation of these Mysteries and ask her to unite and conform us to her Son as we ponder His Paschal Mystery.
This month, consider adding a Rosary to your daily prayer routine! The Joyful Mysteries are typically prayed on Monday and Saturday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday, but the faithful are welcome to pray any Mysteries at any time. If you have a longer morning and evening commute, that can be a good time to get in a Rosary! And if a full Rosary each day feels like too much, try praying one Decade a day, perhaps accompanying it with a meditation on the corresponding Scripture passage to help you pray the Mystery more deeply. A guide to the Rosary can be found here: https://www.usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary
"May Mary help us to welcome within ourselves the grace emanating from these Mysteries, so that through us we can 'water' society, beginning with our daily relationships, and purifying them from so many negative forces, thus opening them to the newness of God. The Rosary, when it is prayed in an authentic way, not mechanical and superficial but profoundly, it brings, in fact, peace and reconciliation. It contains within itself the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the center of each 'Hail Mary'." -Pope Benedict XVI